program highlights


IX Ordinary Provincial Chapter-2022: Day Two
On the second day 26th April 2022 at 6.00 a.m the capitulars gathered in the chapel for the Morning Prayer followed by the Holy Eucharist which was presided over by Br John Baptist Palliparambil, the General Councilor and concelebrated by Br. Preetham Mendonca and Br. Edwin Colaco. Br. John Baptist Palliparambil gave an inspiring homily during the Holy Eucharist and gave us a call to be like the early Christians who lived in unity with one heart and mind.

At 9.00 a.m all the capitulars gathered in the Chapter hall for day’s sessions. The First Chapter secretary began the session with the Hymn to the Holy Spirit and the Chapter Prayer. Thereafter the Chapter President, Br. John Baptist Palliparambil, the General Councilor, and Br Rocky D’Cunha the moderator of the session were invited to the dais.

Br. Elvin Lopes the second Chapter Secretary took the roll call. Br. Rocky D’Cunha, the moderator of the session, invited Br. John Alwyn Dias, the incumbent Provincial Minister, who presented the triennial report.

After the break at11:00 am the First Chapter Secretary Br. Maxim D’Silva invited the second Moderator Br Dolphy Pais to moderate the session. Provincial Minister Br. John Alwyn Dias continued the triennial report. He concluded saying “we appeal to you to make good the deficiencies you found in us and hold us excused; meanwhile we do encourage you all to complete what has remained incomplete. As our Father Francis said during the last moments of his life: Brothers so far we have done very little, let us begin. Long live our Province. Long live our dream of a great Province. Long live our shared vision of the Province. Let us keep alive the flame of living the Evangelical Counsels, in communion, participation and in mission. God Bless us all”. Many of the Capitulars appreciated the Provincial Minister and the Councilors for carrying out good works in the Province during the triennium.

At 3.00 pm all the capitulars gathered in the Chapter hall for the further session. The First Chapter secretary introduced Br. Edwin Colaco as the moderator for the session in the afternoon. In the beginning of the session the moderator allowed for the clarification and additions. Many of the capitulars contributed their words for additions and expressed the words of clarification.

At 4.10 pm Br. Edwin Colaco the moderator of the session introduced Br. Vijesh Loyed Menezes to present the Triennial Financial report. With his immense knowledge as a Provincial Treasurer of Holy Trinity Province, Br. Vijesh Loyed Menezes presented the report till 4:30.

At 6.00 pm the moderator of the session Br. Edwin Colaco resumed the session and requested Br. Vijesh Loyed Menezes to continue the presentation of the Triennial Financial report. Br. Vijesh Loyed Menezes was very keen in performing his given task as Provincial Treasurer, who presented the report in a simple manner and was appreciated by all.

At 7:45 pm the Chapter President along with the first Chapter Secretary gave a call to end the session. With the prayer and hymn to Mother Mary the day’s activities were concluded.

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